單元構造(Unit structure):1×1.75"高音(tweeter) 1×8"低音(bass)
額定功率(Rated power):200W
峰值功率(Peak power):600W
額定阻抗(Rated impedance):8Ω
連續聲壓(Continuous sound pressure):129dB
最大聲壓(Max sound Pressure):135dB
擴散角(Spread Angle):120°x120°
頻率響應(Frequency response):65Hz-19KHz
箱體結構(Box Structure):返送型梯形箱(Foldback type trapezoidal box)
箱體材料(Box material):多層樺木膠合板(Multilayer birch plywood)
箱體表面漆(Finish):原木紋漆/水性漆(Original wood paint / water-based)
金屬面處理(Metal treatment):高溫烤漆處理(High temperature paint handling)
面罩材料(Face mask Material):鋼網+海綿防塵網(Steel net+Sponge dust network)
吊裝方式(Lifting way):12×M10懸吊(吊環)12×M10 suspension(sings)
箱體尺寸(Box Size):230mm×345mm×385mm
推薦使用功放功率(Recommended Amplifiers):400W/8Ω-600W/8Ω
TCX舞臺監聽系列是專為美化大型演出舞臺而設計的一款全頻返聽音響,釹磁單元輸出聲壓大,聲音干凈清晰,采用樺木多層膠合板,獨特的多用途設計,可做小型戶外演出、酒吧主擴等?!鬞CX stage to monitor series is specially designed to beautify the large performance for a full back to listen to the audio frequency, neodymium unit output sound pressure is big, clean and clear voice, adopts multi-layer birch plywood, unique design of multipurpose to do small outdoor performances, bar the main expansion, etc.
贛州達亮音響工程有限公司 贛ICP備20004541號-1 XML地圖